Central Census Commission and Committee

Formation of Central Census Commission and Central Census Committee

  1. Central Census Commission

UNFPA, as the international agency most directly involved in the 2014 PHC, participates in the Central Census Commission as a direct advisor. This commission decides on important aspects of the census conduct and, as a high-level decision-making body, needs technical opinions, information about options, and confirmation of the adequacy of procedures. A representative of UNFPA, in particular, the Country Representative and the CTA are to assume this function. The International Technical Advisory Board (ITAB) will work in close cooperation with this commission and will also assume an advisory role as an international counseling body. The supervisory authority is anchored in the Central Census Commission, which is mainly a political entity at the highest level. It will provide the overall oversight of the 2014 PHC. It is the apex supervisor group of the census. It is chaired by the Ministry of Immigration and Population and vice-chaired by the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and the Ministry of Home Affairs. The secretary of the commission is the Deputy Minister of Immigration and Population. Also members are Deputy Ministers of the following Ministries: Education, Health, Transportation, Communications, Post and Telegraph, National Planning and Economic Development, Defense, Foreign Affairs, Border Affairs, Information, Railway Transportation, Labor, Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement, Finance and Revenues, and the Deputy Attorney General. The main responsibility of the Central Census Commission is taking general decisions regarding all the census stages in accordance with the Government policy. At the same time, the commission will lead the conduction of the entire census, confirm detailed plans and instructions, and carry out negotiations with other ministries. Other responsibilities are assigning and giving instructions to census committees at different levels and, if necessary make amendments and additions to instructions, procedures and assignments. The Central Census Commission will meet three times per year.

  1. Central Census Committee

Immediately after the Central Census Commission is the Central Census Committee. While the former is an administrative entity, the latter is an executive body. In other words, its role is to operationalize general policies, plans and decisions taken by the commission. It is chaired by the Deputy Minister of Immigration and Population, with the participation of 24 members, mainly Director Generals and Managing Directors of the Ministries involved in the Central Census Commission. The Central Census Committee should be formed by the end of February 2012.It is recommended that the CTA and selected consultants participate in this committee as direct advisors. As in the case of the Central Census Commission, their role in this committee will be essential in terms of technical and administrative advice. It is quite important to understand that these two bodies, the commission and the committee, include high-level officials that will need advice in some general and specific census operations and procedures. They are not census experts, and do not need to be; therefore quality advice is most desirable for them to take adequate, knowledgeable and fair decisions.  The ITAB will also contribute at this high level to maintain the census process within standards accepted by the international community. The Central Census Committee will meet regularly every three months.

Structure of Census Commission and Committee

Coordination structure
